How to name (or change) a beneficiary (limited member)

Learn how to name a beneficiary (other than your estate) if you're a limited member of the plan. 

If you are a former spouse of a plan member, you can apply to become a limited member of BC's Public Service Pension Plan after your separation or divorce. As a limited member, you can receive your share of your former spouse’s pension directly from the plan.

As a limited member of the plan, your estate is automatically your beneficiary. This means that, when you die, your portion of your former spouse’s pension benefit will be paid to your estate.

If you want to name a beneficiary other than your estate, submit the Nomination of beneficiary (for limited member) form. You can name one or more individuals or organizations (such as societies, charities, trusts or corporations) as your beneficiary(ies).

If you have remarried or are in a common-law relationship of more than two years, your new spouse is not automatically your beneficiary. There is no legal requirement for you to name your new spouse as your beneficiary. If you want to name them, submit the Nomination of beneficiary (for limited member) form.

All beneficiary nominations must comply with any separation agreements or court orders that apply to your limited member pension.

If you are both a limited member and an active member because you work for an employer participating in the plan, you must submit both the Nomination of beneficiary (for limited member) and Nomination of beneficiary (pre-retirement) forms to name beneficiaries for each respective pension benefit. When you retire from your job with a plan employer and apply for your pension, you will also need to name a beneficiary for your pension benefit.

You can also use these forms to change your existing beneficiary(ies).